Water Hammer Pulse, Kussmaul Sign, Pulses Paradoxus

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Anastomos has collaborated with the esteemed Dr. Dr.Kishan Rao, MBBS(BMCRI), MS General Surgery (Gold Medalist), FMAS, DMAS, Motivational Mentor and Career Counsellor, Founder and Chief of The White Army. Today we have some highly informative and authentic content. Stay tuned to learn a lot today!

Today's topic: Water Hammer Pulse, Kussmaul Sign, Pulses Paradoxus

Water Hammer Pulse is a bounding arterial pulse, Kussmaul Sign indicates a paradoxical rise in jugular venous pressure during inspiration, and Pulses Paradoxus signifies an abnormal drop in blood pressure during inspiration. These phenomena occur due to cardiovascular conditions. Symptoms include dyspnea and chest discomfort. Treatment involves addressing the underlying cause and may include medications or interventions.

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Team Anastomos.