Importance of Online Reviews in Indian Healthcare

Online reviews are the stethoscopes that patients use to peep into the hands that hold their health.

The National Medical Council in India has severely controlled the participation of doctors in online reviews and rating systems. While it's a major step in curbing the malpractices of paid promotional reviews, it also prevents healthcare professionals from boosting their digital footprint. Stay with us as we discuss the ins and outs of online reviews in healthcare in India.

What are online reviews?

Online reviews in healthcare are feedback and ratings that patients write/speak about their experiences with healthcare practitioners, facilities, and services, essentially on digital platforms. 

These reviews are usually published on websites, social media, and other online portals. They can be read by other patients, healthcare experts, and others looking to attend the organization.

Why are Online Reviews Important in Modern Healthcare?

A 2022 study showed that people consistently said good things about their experiences with healthcare providers and organizations in online reviews. However, whether those reviews matched up with the actual quality of care varied.

Many old-timers and senior clinicians disregard online reviews. They find it mere ‘noise’ and solely rely on word-of-mouth. We do not deny the power of referrals through patients, but healthcare has evolved significantly over the years. A decade-old study showed that such online ratings, reviews, and opinions began more than a decade ago. The new generation is highly educated, tech-savvy, and exposed to many aspects of life—they value real-time experience more than anything else. 

People really know their way around technology. They use tech tools to find the best medical options for themselves and their family. This helps them talk freely. Online platforms have become safe spots for patients and their families to find and share info. That’s what makes online reviews a ‘MUST’.

A Quick Scoop on What the National Medical Council Has to Say on the Use of Digital Platforms/Social Media by Medical Practitioners

Let’s not bore you with the long list of guidelines for social media marketing and the use of digital platforms for medical practitioners. Instead, let's pin down what the NMC says about accepting, displaying, and propagating online ratings and reviews by doctors. 

The circular issued by the ethics committee of the NMC in 2022 said that registered medical practitioners (RMPs) should avoid requesting or sharing patient testimonials, recommendations, endorsements, and reviews on social media. 

There is a very thin line of difference here. They are not trying to rain on your best work. The council does not stop you from sharing your bravado with your beloved patients; it demands authentication of those reviews, stops it from being a marketing strategy, and ensures that it does not involve paid written reviews. 

5 Reasons Why You Should Uphold Online Reviews as  a Clinician

Patient ratings, comments, testimonies, user feedback, and recommendations, however you name them, are a two-way street for both patients and practitioners. As the founder of a healthcare firm or a private clinician, it gives you a foothold in the industry. For the patients, they know whom to visit. All that we propose is to keep it organic and authentic.  Read on, and you’ll know how.

  • Patient-driven Care

They are a critical cog in the new ‘value-based healthcare’ concept where the patient’s experience with the doctor holds above medicines and reports.

Patients' reviews offer a personal account of their journey with healthcare practitioners. When professionals read these reviews, they understand the viewpoints, requirements, and choices of their patients. Healthcare professionals can better satisfy and retain patients by customizing their services to match their expectations thanks to this patient-centered approach.

  •  Genuine Marketing

Honestly, patient reviews are a form of ‘organic marketing’ for you. You do not need to pay to spread the word; your patient will do the needful.

Online reputation is crucial for both attracting new patients and maintaining existing ones. Favorable reviews from patients act as proof of a practitioner’s dedication and competence. On the other hand, negative reviews can damage a professional's reputation, dissuading potential patients. 

Proactively managing online reputation by actively monitoring and addressing patient reviews helps healthcare professionals build their practice. You can freely engage with a marketing partner, CRM software, or a telehealth app to help you strategize online review management.

  • Patient Retention and Trust

When healthcare professionals respond quickly and kindly to patient reviews, it shows they care about patient happiness and open communication. This builds trust and makes patients feel heard and important. This trust is crucial for long-term relationships with patients, emphasizing the importance of open and caring communication in healthcare.

  • Quality Check

When you share your thoughts about your healthcare experiences, it helps maintain the quality of care.  

They are an immediate insight into treatment efficacy, diagnostic accuracy, and overall care quality. The analysis of these reviews, with the help of healthcare, marketing, and IT analysts, empowers healthcare practices to detect patterns and trends.  These form the foundation for informed business decisions. This iterative process ensures ongoing improvements, ultimately enhancing the safety and quality of healthcare services.

  • Room for Improvement

Analyzing patient feedback is crucial for pinpointing areas needing improvement in healthcare. Reviews reveal insights into operational inefficiencies, communication gaps, and long wait times, allowing healthcare professionals to optimize processes, provide staff training, and enhance services. This active approach helps give your team ideas about how to improve your practice. 

Final Thoughts—The Anastomos 

People mostly gave good ratings in online reviews. What we need to study now is how online testimonials affect whether patients recommend a doctor, how people see healthcare providers, and what patients think about the quality of care. As a full spectrum, an end-to-end platform for healthcare practitioners, we help you look at healthcare holistically. Our team takes special care of each member who joins the platform and understands the needs of your practice. We help you connect with experts in healthcare digital and social media marketing services, analysts, and telehealth services to supercharge your healthcare practice. They will see how the best practices of organically and honestly building your fame in the digital world.