Anastomos joins hands with Astron Institute of International Studies (AIIS)

Dear reader,

Here is some exciting news! We, at Anastomos, are thrilled to join hands with Astron Institute of International Studies (AIIS), a dynamic and reputable global education platform. Together, we look forward to delivering unparalleled international opportunities.

Know Our Education Partner, Astron Institute of International Studies (AIIS), Better!

The Astron Institute of International Studies (AIIS) specializes in bringing global education opportunities to your doorstep. They have a wide array of medical and management programs, delivered through online courses and expert-led sessions, 

AIIS prepares students for success in both local and international markets. With their unique Twinning Programmes, students can start with foundation courses in India before advancing to advanced studies abroad, earning degrees from accredited institutions worldwide.

Supported by a team of seasoned professionals, AIIS excels in various fields, including hospitality, business management, and medical education. Whether you're aspiring to a career in medicine, management, or healthcare, our programs provide the foundation for success in today's competitive landscape. Take the first step towards your dreams with AIIS.

About Us

Anastomos is a groundbreaking, full-spectrum, end-to-end, customized solution for healthcare professionals. Our platform 'by the healthcare professionals', 'for the healthcare professionals' style created a thriving community of like-minded healthcare professionals who are committed to success. Whether you're an aspiring medical student, a seasoned practitioner, or an entrepreneurial spirit in the medical field, ANASTOMOS is here to guide, connect, and empower you on your journey and related legal issues, if any.