The Top 5 Tricks for Breaking Into the HealthCare Market


Single-source incomes are no longer viable. Recurrent market recessions, high layoffs, attrition, and turnover rates, a declining job-applicant ratio, and an increasing population burden necessitate sustainable finances and a stable financial future. 


These challenges penetrate the healthcare market too. 


Working locum jobs, private consultations, mentorship programs, securing a position in HealthTech or healthcare management, or starting a business offer viable magic bullets. But here’s the catch, breaking into the healthcare marketplace isn’t plain sailing. Our founders, with 20+ years of experience, say that cutting through the noise with smart healthcare market research is the key. Stay with us as we discuss the top 5 tricks for breaking into the healthcare market.



What is the Healthcare Marketplace?

To put it in simple terms, the healthcare marketplace, or the healthcare industry, is the collective system of healthcare providers, consumers, payers, and suppliers, who deliver and consume healthcare goods and services. It’s a vast bull ring with organizations like hospitals & clinics, physicians & therapists, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, insurance companies, and government agencies striving to hold a place.



What is the Healthcare Marketplace?


To put it in simple terms, the healthcare marketplace, or the healthcare industry, is the collective system of healthcare providers, consumers, payers, and suppliers, who deliver and consume healthcare goods and services. It’s a vast bull ring with organizations like hospitals & clinics, physicians & therapists, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, insurance companies, and government agencies striving to hold a place. 



Who are the Key Stakeholders in the Healthcare Market?


Know the interest group before playing the game. The healthcare market has 4 key stakeholders:


  • The patients
  • The healthcare practitioners
  • The healthcare suppliers – products and technology
  • The payers


You're all set to begin once you know your target market and pinpoint the stakeholders. The next section discusses the top 5 tricks to break into the healthcare market that no one will tell you about.


5 Tricks for Breaking Into the HealthCare Market


Let’s establish that there's no secret sauce to finding the right people or opportunity; what you can do is be smart in researching the market to carve your niche, which will stay.


Define Your Value, and Strengths Unique to You


It's important to brand yourself in the right way.


The healthcare industry today is fiercely competitive! Clinical roles at corporate healthcare chains, digital health companies, and health businesses are diverse and role-specific. Many looking to walk the path quickly get frustrated and lose focus.


One solution to staying on track is to spell out your strengths, your unique services, and your brand value with 100% clarity. These tips could be your starter guide:


  • When crafting a CV or cover letter, succinctly add what value you bring to the new role/company. This holds more value than your previous work experience. 


  • Mentioning the leadership roles in your past job experience holds weight. Holding a leadership role within a health system or medical group demonstrates strategic thinking, autonomy of work, and decision-making skills. 


  • Think of your portfolio as your brand, and highlight key skills and achievements that truly set you apart.


  • Another valid point is to adapt your CV as per the job application. For instance, if you are applying for a position as a healthcare consultant, modify your CV to include your ease of availability, flexibility in scheduling appointments,  expertise in handling complex cases & emergencies, and communication skills to engage patients easily.  


Gain Experience like There’s no Tomorrow (Small & Big)


Healthcare is a big yet carefully carved niche. Developing a reputation as a ready, willing, and energetic professional opens doors to more opportunities.


Seize every opportunity!


No job is minor as a starter. Whether you are handling complex cases, large health tech investments, or managing a new healthcare marketing team, every task is a new experience, every stakeholder is a new contact, and every success/failure is a stepping stone.


Does that mean you don’t say NO?


Absolutely NOT.


Learn to say no. In a nutshell, seize every opportunity SMARTLY! Not every opportunity fits your goals or values; saying no when necessary ensures you prioritize your time and energy for long-term growth and success.


Be Selective in Networking 


Healthcare is a people-driven field. You cannot be a lone wolf here. This niche industry offers a close-knit circle that is easy yet tricky to breakthrough.


Don’t network with anybody and everybody. Rather, choose your circle wisely. 


Uphold quality over quantity. 


Focus on building meaningful connections with stakeholders & vendors who align with your goals and values. Be selective in the events you attend and the people you engage with. 


Here again, learning to say no is crucial; it allows you to protect your time and energy for opportunities that truly benefit you. Quality networking, coupled with the ability to decline irrelevant engagements, builds meaningful connections and opportunities that are here to stay.



Make Friends, but Keep Your Competitors Closer


Professional relationships include both your target clients and industry competitors.  Fostering friendships with potential consumers opens doors to collaboration and support. On the flip side, keeping the fraternity/competitors close keeps you informed about industry trends, strategies, and potential upgrades. In fact, understanding your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, lets you adapt, innovate, and position yourself ahead of the curve, sealing long-term success in your endeavors.



Take Some Time Out


Always keep some time aside. Use this time efficiently. Here’s how you can use these hours:


  • To rewind, focus, and build a mentally healthy and energetic you.
  • To upskill yourself
  • To make space for errors, plan and rectify them.


Leveraging Anastomos to Break into the Healthcare MarketPlace


Anastomos is an all-inclusive platform for careers in healthcare. The platform was designed, exclusively by healthcare experts, who are seasoned clinicians with business expertise. We understand the A-Z of all the questions you have in mind when heading out to research the healthcare marketplace, invest in startup healthcare, and build an impressive healthcare profile. 


Our teams offer a handheld approach to aspirants, beginners, experts, and veterans in the healthcare industry. From tailor-making CVs, reaching the right job profile, and finding an expert mentor to starting healthcare business, we are there for you.


Feel free to reach out; we are a ‘Sign-up’ away!