What's Happening In-and-Around? The Anastomos Way of Marketing Your Healthcare Event



Networking is king.  Progress in healthcare is not a solitary but a collaborative endeavor. One key player in healthcare networking is a healthcare event. They serve as critical channels to engage with peers, colleagues, key stakeholders, and target audiences in the industry. Both online & offline healthcare events are a step forward to excellence, compassion, and innovation. 


However, healthcare networking is a wheels within wheels job. 


Healthcare marketing—reaching out, connecting, and communicating with healthcare professionals and businesses is tricky and tedious.  The sheer fast-paced evolution of healthcare, competition, busy schedules, tight budgets, regulatory and ethical compliance, and myriad communication modes make it complicated. 


How to stand out? What you need is a game-changing way to clear the hurdles and cut through the noise. Your healthcare event needs to stand out in this crowded space. Stay with us as we discuss A-Z of the right strategies for healthcare event marketing.



What are Healthcare Events?

From large-scale medical conferences to intimate seminars, any gathering focused on topics related to the medical and healthcare industries. 


They bring together professionals from different areas of healthcare, including doctors, dentists, nurses, therapists, paramedics, students/aspirants, academicians, medical researchers, healthcare administrators, medical equipment manufacturers, investors, managers, and policymakers. 


Healthcare events are centered on great discussions, brainstorming, and building connections. They can be one-dayer to a week long and are well-organized with registration, sessions, awards, Q&As, rebuttals, and references.



Types of Healthcare Events

Healthcare is a multimodal field. Recent advancements in tech have multiplied the channels for healthcare networking and healthcare communication by 10X. Here is an overview of the types of healthcare events that will help you select the event best suited to you.




Large gatherings where healthcare professionals present and discuss the latest research, advancements, and trends in the medical field. For example the National Conference on Medical & Health Sciences



Educational sessions that provide in-depth coverage of particular topics within the scope of healthcare and its related fields. It features expert speakers and opportunities for discussion. These might focus on patient care, medical ethics, medico-marketing, or health policy.



Online seminars that allow healthcare professionals to learn about new developments and best practices remotely. These are particularly useful for continuing education and reaching a global audience.



Meetings or conferences where experts in specific medical fields come together to present papers and discuss findings. These are often more academic and research-focused.



High-level meetings that bring together leaders in healthcare to discuss strategic issues, policy, and future directions in the industry. Examples include the World Health Summit.



Large-scale events that combine elements of conferences, exhibitions, and social gatherings, often focusing on a broad theme within healthcare. Conventions may include keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities. 


Health Fairs

Community-based events that provide health screenings, wellness information, and resources to the public. They aim to raise awareness about health issues and promote preventive care.


Awards Ceremonies

Events dedicated to recognizing and celebrating achievements in healthcare, such as innovations, research breakthroughs, and outstanding service. 


Training Programs

Events focused on providing specialized training for healthcare professionals. These can range from certification courses to advanced training in new medical technologies or procedures.



Events where medical equipment manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, and other healthcare-related businesses showcase their products and services. Examples include the International Expodent.



Smaller, interactive sessions focused on hands-on training and skill development in specific areas of healthcare, such as surgical techniques or new software tools for healthcare management.

Every healthcare event is unique in its offerings, target group, and results. It is imperative that your healthcare event marketing team select the healthcare event that best suits your business and educational objectives.



Mission & Vision of a Healthcare Event

Every healthcare event has a specific mission and vision. It is important to plan, execute, and market your event aligned to these goals.


To discuss a few typical goals of healthcare events:


  • Spreading the word: Most healthcare events aim to educate and train fellow healthcare professionals. The idea is to deliver the latest information on medical advancements, technologies, and best practices.


  • Networking provides opportunity for healthcare professionals to network, share ideas, and collaborate.


  • A stage to showcase Innovations: Introducing cutting-edge medical devices, procedures, and supplies.


  • Policy and Advocacy: Discussing healthcare policy, regulations, and advocacy initiatives.


  • Recognition: In the healthcare sector, achievements and excellence are recognized through awards and distinctions.


While these cover the essential objectives behind organizing and marketing healthcare events, certain seminars, webinars, symposiums, etc. may target a particular goal, commemorating an idea, a policy, or a day.  


Tips to Market Your Healthcare Event

Healthcare event marketing is a creative task. The healthcare industry is crowded. With too many professionals, super specialties, alternative healthcare careers, value-based care, and the startup culture, your healthcare event must speak for itself. 



The Top 5 Proven Strategies in Healthcare Events Marketing


The strategies that we discuss next will help your healthcare event to cut through the noise and convince professionals to take out time from their jam-packed days and register for your event.


  • Plan targeted healthcare event marketing campaigns—choose your target audience rightly. To maximize engagement and attendance, identify and target a specific set of healthcare professionals or organizations that are most likely to benefit from and attend your event.


  • Cross-promotions really work. Partner with related or even un-related organizations or events to promote each other, expanding your reach and attracting a broader audience interested in similar topics.


  • Leverage less populated and niche-specific social media groups. Engage with smaller, specialized online communities where your target audience is active to create more meaningful connections and generate interest in your event. Use influencer healthcare marketing agencies and professionals to spread the word.


  • Consistently show up and monitor every targeted healthcare event marketing campaign. Regularly update and track the performance of your marketing efforts to ensure they are effective and make adjustments as needed to improve results.


  • Manage and support all the key stakeholders (organizers, speakers, presenters, and registrants) and vendors effectively. Ensure smooth communication and coordination among all parties involved in the event to enhance the overall experience and success of the event.



With this as the starting point, our next read in this article series will focus on “ A Breakdown of the Top Healthcare Events Marketing Strategies---A Must Know”



In-and-Around by Anastomos


To help you in the endeavor of effective healthcare event marketing, ANASTOMOS offers a unique section on the platform, the In-And-Around—an all-inclusive platform to market and manage the biggest healthcare events with inputs from within the community.

Our aim is to BUILD a single resource point for healthcare events across the globe that are validated, reviewed & monitored by the healthcare industry leaders, to ESTABLISH a community of mentors, speakers, and training experts to participate in these healthcare events and to CREATE an all-inclusive environment for students, professionals, founders, veterans, and event managers, exclusively in healthcare.


Of note, we do not plan and manage events, we only get your word out there. If you are wondering why the additional expense & platform? 


Anastomos is a healthcare professionals' platform for learning, networking, job searching, and more. Our inclusivity in exclusivity offers you the right target audience, your adverts with us won't get lost in the deluge of social media posts and of course, we are more affordable.


To know more please contact HERE.