Necrosis VS Apoptosis



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Anastomos has collaborated with the esteemed Dr. Dr. Kishan Rao, MBBS (BMCRI), MS General Surgery (Gold Medalist), FMAS, DMAS,  Motivational Mentor and Career Counsellor, Founder and Chief of The White Army. Today we have some highly informative and authentic content. Stay tuned to learn a lot today!

Today's topic: Necrosis VS Apoptosis 

Necrosis is uncontrolled cell death due to injury, causing inflammation and damage to nearby tissues. Apoptosis is a programmed, orderly cell death that eliminates damaged or unnecessary cells without harming surrounding tissues. Both are essential for health and disease management.

Stay tuned to unravel the complexities Necrosis VS Apoptosis and gain insights into its unique characteristics.

Best wishes,

Team Anastomos.