Attending Conferences Could be Your Best Weekend Gateway



“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”

– Edward Everett Hale.

Come to think of it, conferences do just that. 


Are you in the healthcare industry? 

When was the last time you attended a healthcare event and networked/upskilled extensively?


As we discussed in our article "A Breakdown of the Top Healthcare Events Marketing Strategies---A Must Know," there are various types of healthcare events. Each has its own agenda, target audience, modus operandi, and unique deliverables. Today we discuss why attend conferences, and how to plan healthcare conferences to put on your calendar for 2024.



What are Conferences in Healthcare?

Healthcare conferences are scheduled events where professionals in the industry, like practitioners, healthcare practitioners, academicians, entrepreneurs, investors, consultants, coaches, and all key stakeholders, meet, share, and network. Healthcare conferences organized by clinical bodies also welcome aspirants, graduates, postgraduates, fellows, and resident doctors. Overall, conferences are large-scale events that are welcoming, inclusive, and can highlight your exclusivity.


Why Attend Conferences?

Conferences can be expensive. It is no surprise that the registrations, travel, stay, and preparations cost you money, time, and loss of work hours. Do you really want to attend them? Do you need to?


We’d have to break this to you, YES, if you are in the industry and are willing to grow, earn, and broaden your horizons, you’ve got to step out of the cocoon and attend conferences.


Top 5 Reasons Why You Can’t Miss Attending Conferences

Why attend scientific conferences? Conferences can turn out to be the long-awaited watershed moment in your career. Here are a few reasons from experts within the healthcare industry that will motivate you to register for the next conference:


You Upskill

You find out a new technique/device/procedure/hack to polish and quicken your treatment plant. Healthcare is a rapidly evolving field. Medical trends, evidence-based practices, and innovative treatments from fellow practitioners and sometimes researchers/students may amaze you. They could resolve the very procedure you were struggling with, break myths about a certain drug you were dispensing, or open doors to resource repositories that are free and accessible.


You Learn Soft Skills

Meeting professionals in the fraternity helps you notice, simulate, and reproduce the best practices in the industry. As healthcare professionals, we often think only an MBA or a corporate experience can add planning & managerial skills to our portfolio. Well, not necessarily.


Hearing guest speakers, and presentations, and participating in group discussions go a long way toward boosting your language, oratory skills, organic marketing ideas, and practice management techniques.


You also learn about body language, dressing style, and presentation tactics.


You Build A Network

Networking goes a long way in establishing a target audience and vendor base. 

Networking gives you a platform to showcase your talent–in healthcare, this is mutually beneficial. Specialists always look forward to referring patients within their trusted community and known vendors offer you the best prices—in the process, you select and are selected for tasks that align with your professional goals. 


Next time you like the presentation, gather up and talk to the speaker—get the credentials and follow up. Get up and explore the exhibits, learn about the products—in the process do not forget to pitch yourself too!


You Showcase Yourself

Conferences are the best stage to speak out and market yourself. No judgments there! Present your clinical case, research study, product ideas, or business pitch to the best of your ability. Put your best foot forward, grab all your ears, and eyes, and let them hear you, feel you, and get back to you.


Mind you, showcasing your portfolio may need months of BTS preparation, and eventually, it is worth the effort. 


A Mental Health Booster

Needless to say, healthcare at times may become a one-man show. Thus professional lives may not be as exciting and inspiring. Conferences are social events and a great break from the humdrum. Gelling with like-minded people inspires you and gives the much-needed dopamine boost. 



How to Plan Before Attending a Conference in Healthcare?


Now that you know why attend conferences, making the most of your time, money, and energy at these events can be hard. An efficient and productive way to attend conferences would be:


  • Read before you register. Research the agenda, speakers, attendees, and presentation scope well ahead of time. Dive in if it aligns well with your goals.


  • Have a presentation? Prepare, quality check, review, practice, and gear up. Ensure to nail your presentation/exhibit/pitch at the conference. Keep a checklist to verify that you adhere to the conference protocols and signups.


  • Don’t be late for the sessions, and reserve the lunch indulgences for later. In short, don’t waste time.


  • Strategize your networking, but don’t be too pushy and salesy. Learn actively at every step.


  • Be mindful of your logistics. If possible, collaborate with event sponsors to make conferencing easier for you.



In-and-Around by Anastomos


ANASTOMOS offers a unique section on the platform, the In-And-Around—an all-inclusive way to market and manage the biggest healthcare events with inputs from within the community.


Answering ‘why attend conferences’ the right way, is the first step to getting more registrations. Isn’t it?


We aim to BUILD a single resource point for healthcare events across the globe that are validated, reviewed & monitored by the healthcare industry leaders, to ESTABLISH a community of mentors, speakers, and training experts to participate in these healthcare events and to CREATE an all-inclusive environment for students, professionals, founders, veterans, and event managers, exclusively in healthcare.


Of note, we do not plan and manage events; we only get your word out there. However, we have partners with us who could help you in the process, or even help you find that sponsorship.


If you are wondering why the additional expense & platform? 


Anastomos is a healthcare professionals' platform for learning, networking, job searching, and more. Our inclusivity in exclusivity offers you the right target audience; your adverts with us won't get lost in the deluge of social media posts, and of course, we are more affordable.