5 Tips to Attract Professionals to Your Healthcare Event


Medics are difficult to convince, let alone getting them to spend money. NO, we aren’t here to critique or generalize the nature of certain professional groups, instead, we want to help healthcare event managers convince healthcare professionals for better conference registrations and shoot up the early bird registration numbers. Hi all, we are back discussing the top 5 tips to attract, confirm, and retain healthcare experts on your registration list for every upcoming event.



The Challenges in Boosting Conference Attendee Registrations

There are major roadblocks today in relation to conference registration online, whether the hosts are offering free online event registration, what are the best event registration websites, why experts should register to conferences, whether will it add value to their portfolio, and so on. Besides this, there are a few hidden challenges that exist that go unrecognized or unsolved. For instance:

  • Healthcare firms, platforms, and advocates are still battling the aftermath of COVID-19. Apart from the ongoing shortage of skilled medics, the ongoing economic crisis has also caused budget cuts, deprioritizing the extra expenses on conferences and networking. 


  • Under these circumstances, the hosting healthcare firm fails to attract attendees, adversely impacting the exhibitors and the sponsors. 


  • When a healthcare event incurs a huge loss due to poor footfalls, it affects future budget sanctions, advanced learning options, sales, awards, and the overall mission. 


Honestly, there are no easy fixes to this; no one size fits all. However, we need to understand and solve the issues, from ideas within the industry.



The TOP 5 Ways to Enhance Online Registrations and Ticketing

As a healthcare providers’ network, our team of medics (from different specialties) interacts with the key stakeholders in the industry and moderates many ongoing healthcare programs. 


Here is a compilation of what they feel works. 



Reassess the Real Purpose of Convening

What is the mission and vision of the healthcare event? Do you, as the host, stand by the real NEED of the upcoming event? It is important to convey the real purpose of convening the prospects. 


Start by clearly defining the primary objectives and getting them validated through within-the-industry surveys. Are you aiming to educate, network, or showcase innovations? Understanding the core purpose will help to attract the right audience. 


Surveys engage past participants, healthcare consultants, and experts. Use this feedback to refine your event’s value proposition, ensuring it resonates with potential attendees. This creates a compelling reason for them to register and attend.



Understand & Implement the Solutions to all the Practical Pain Points of the Industry

Identify and address common challenges faced by your audience. For healthcare providers, these might include time constraints, cost concerns, or the need for continuing education credits. 


Develop solutions such as:

  • flexible scheduling

  • early bird discounts/ early bird registration

  • offering CME/CPD credits. 

  • ensure your registration process is user-friendly, with clear instructions and support readily available. 

  • If AI in medicine is trending, have keynote speakers from HealthTech

  • If medics are researching management programs, have an MBA or a management guru talk to them.


Removing barriers and addressing the specific pain points of your potential attendees, you’ll create a healthcare event that meets their practical needs.



Boost Collaborations and Cross-Promotions

Partner with industry associations, medical societies, and influential figures in healthcare to broaden your event’s reach. 


  • Collaborations can include joint webinars, social media takeovers, or co-branded content. 

  • Encourage partners to promote your event through their channels, leveraging their established networks. 

  • Offer reciprocal promotion opportunities to your collaborators, ensuring mutual benefits. 


Tapping into existing relationships and audiences, you’ll enhance your event’s visibility and credibility, driving higher online event registration and ticketing through trusted recommendations and wider exposure.



Always Reward for Referrals

Referral programs are always rewarding. They incentivize current registrants to bring in new attendees. 


  • Offer discounts, exclusive content, or entry into prize draws for every successful referral. 

  • Make it easy for participants to share the event with personalized referral links and pre-written social media posts. 

  • Regularly highlight the top referrers and their rewards to motivate others. 


Creating a system where attendees are rewarded for their advocacy ensures word-of-mouth marketing too! It increases your event’s reach and registrations through personal endorsements.



Tap an Outside Expertise

Hire experts in event marketing, digital advertising, or user experience design to enhance your registration process. These professionals can provide insights into optimizing your online presence:


  • Creating target-specific compelling ad campaigns

  • Get ad voices and faces from within the industry

  • Designing an intuitive registration interface, invoice management, and customer support 

  • They can also help analyze data to identify and address any bottlenecks in the process. 


Fresh perspectives from such healthcare consultants, ensure your event’s promotional strategies and registration systems are as effective and user-friendly as possible.

In-and-Around by Anastomos


ANASTOMOS offers a unique section on the platform, the In-And-Around—an all-inclusive platform to market and manage the biggest healthcare events with inputs from within the community.

Our aim is to BUILD a single resource point for healthcare events across the globe that are validated, reviewed & monitored by the healthcare industry leaders, to ESTABLISH a community of mentors, speakers, and training experts to participate in these healthcare events, and to CREATE an all-inclusive environment for students, professionals, founders, veterans, and event managers, exclusively in healthcare.

Of note, we do not plan and manage events; we only get your word out there. However, we have partners with us who could help in online event registration management. 


If you are wondering why work with us? 

Anastomos is a healthcare professionals' platform for learning, networking, job searching, and more. Our inclusivity in exclusivity offers you the right target audience, within the industry insights, healthcare professionals’ personal validation, and your adverts with us won't get lost in the deluge of social media posts. Above all, as a niche community,. We are rolling out the best online event registration services at affordable rates.