From Stethoscope to Algorithms: The Latest Trends in Hiring in Healthcare

Table of Contents

  • The Evolving Concepts of Hiring in Healthcare

  • Challenges in Healthcare Recruitment

  • 5 Best Practices in Healthcare Hiring

  • Beyond Clinical Proficiency: The Emphasis on Soft Skills

  • Automated Pre Screenings

  • Age and Staff Attrition in Healthcare Workforce

  • Leveraging the Role of Branding

  • Prioritizing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

  • Staying Abreast with the Hiring Trends at Anastomos

The Evolving Concepts of Hiring in Healthcare

Healthcare as a profession has always been a tough nut to crack. Apart from the never-ending learning and lengthy education process, the profession also demands a lot of ‘you’ as a person. Some of these include prolonged work hours, round-the-clock availability, challenging work-life balance, difficulty switching places, and slow financial growth.

With time and globalization, the needs of the present healthcare workforce have changed. The traditional brick-and-mortar methods no longer work, resulting in attrition in healthcare, which has been catapulted by the ongoing pandemic in 2019. The ‘great resignation’ has equally affected the health and wellness fraternity. Recent years have seen a revolutionary change in the trends in hiring in healthcare. The transitions are visible at both ends—the hiring process, and the applicant’s desires. Stay with us as we walk you through the best practices in healthcare hiring and introduce you to Anatomos for cracking the best healthcare jobs near me.

Challenges in Healthcare Recruitment

With the largest number of medical colleges in the world, India churns out more doctors per year than any other country. The related healthcare fields like dentistry, nursing, homeopathy, ayurveda, and paramedic sciences are also in the queue.

Despite the 5.76 million healthcare workers, the numbers are well below the WHO-recommended health care-giver-to-population ratio. Among the many hurdles is the classic recruitment process, which is behind the times. Here are a few unique issues of hiring in healthcare:

  • A recommendation-based, word-of-mouth recruitment process

  • Lack of awareness of the variety of healthcare positions—like locum jobs in healthcare, telehealth services, across-the-border healthcare jobs, healthcare management, medical coding, subject-matter-expert (SME) in healthcare, healthcare tutors, and so on

  • Poor recruitment processes and facilities

  • Lack of knowledge regarding building a portfolio, digital footprint, and branding amongst healthcare professionals (HCPs)

  • Inability to apply for national and international opportunities due to insufficient exposure and guidance.

  • Inconsistency in responsibilities and financial compensations.

Anastomos, as an online platform, is by the healthcare professionals, for the healthcare professionals. What’s unique about us is our bird’s-eye-view of the industry. Whether you are an aspirant, an established professional, or a veteran, we are confident that you can relate to at least a couple of the issues raised. We don’t stop there—we will also guide you into working your way around it!

5 Best Practices in Healthcare Hiring

In one of our articles about ‘HR in healthcare’, we introduced the concept of the ‘skill gap’. For those who are unaware, let us explain! Think about an HCP seeking a job based on informal referrals. He may overlook suitable positions, and the recruiter may also miss out on good talent in this informal word-mouth process. There is currently no tool in India that provides comprehensive job listings or hospital information tailored to individual needs. Dissatisfied medical professionals are looking for answers amid a healthcare skills gap. This big block in healthcare jobs near me is what Anastomos plans on solving.

We have a few ideas for you:

  • Beyond Clinical Proficiency: The Emphasis on Soft Skills

The healthcare landscape has undergone tectonic shifts in the past decade. The tight work schedules, tough financial and social competitions, and fast-paced life of today demand more from the service sector, including health and wellness. That’s where your soft skills as an HCP come into play!

Soft skills are communication abilities that encompass empathy, active listening, a positive attitude, motivating words, courtesy, and teamwork. Together with PR skills and a clinical eye, you can yield incredible patient-centric results.

  • Automated Pre Screenings

Tools like automated pre-screening and shortlisting of applicants, leverage AI in healthcare hiring. They is used by healthcare giants worldwide to streamline the recruitment process, improve efficiency, save time, and identify the correct talent. As an applicant or an HR professional in healthcare, you must understand its key features.

What happens when you apply/advertise for a job online?

  • Technology and AI software identify keywords in the job posting and the resume

  • It will then legibly parse the sentence to find suitable matches.

  • It then matches the correct candidate with the suitable position.

This follows the usual ‘tollgates’ of a hiring process—screenings, interviews, assessments, trials, and documentation. Excelling at the stage of automated screening can significantly hasten selection and recruitment in health jobs near me

  • Age and Staff Attrition in the Healthcare Workforce

The attrition rate in the healthcare industry is already an issue. Thus, doing away with biases can truly make hiring in health a diverse process. Some of the ways to curb attrition in healthcare and enjoy staff retention are:

  • Using the age and experience of the employees to the company’s benefit; an HCP with 20+ years of experience can be a valuable asset to the company and add to its brand value. On the contrary, the younger staff adds dynamism and accomplishes work targets better.

  • Locum job options help facilitate suitable work hours and run the organization without staff burnout.

  • Appraisals, compensations, and continued research options to boost employee growth and add value to the healthcare organization.

You must understand the company policies and the roles and responsibilities during the hiring process to enable smooth onboarding.

  • Leveraging the Role of Branding

An HCP is a brand on its own. We are clinically trained, and we have the ideal PR skills and business acumen. However, branding often entails significant investments, which makes it challenging.  

To begin with, prioritize digital branding, career fairs, and virtual conference sponsorships to be at the top of the mind in the hiring in healthcare process.

  • Prioritizing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

As the name suggests, DEI ensures a fair representation of the healthcare workforce. This helps provide better and more equitable patient care. Some subtle points that help make the healthcare jobs hiring near me  DEI sensitive are:

  • Anonymizing the application submission and initial screenings

  • Creating a diverse and highly educated panel for interviews

  • Adding social skills and leadership-related questions to the screening process

  • Analyzing recruitment metrics and constantly upgrading the systems

The hiring process in healthcare is vast and, to a large extent, people-driven. Thus, as a recruiter or as an applicant, it is better to explore your bandwidths to the fullest extent and find what’s best.

Staying Abreast with the Hiring Trends at Anastomos

Anastomos, as the brainchild of the stalwarts of Indian healthcare, has a finger on the pulse of industry trends worldwide. What’s better than career guidance and hiring counseling from the panel itself? The platform is a fine amalgamation of the key factors in hiring in healthcare and is automated with technology and AI. With personal guidance and the best suggestions, we tune you into the best practices in healthcare jobs near me. Anastomos empowers the HCP and the healthcare recruiters to make an informed choice, fostering a brighter future for the industry.