The Stability and Promise of Permanent Healthcare Jobs in India

A permanent job is an opportunity to build a career, not just earn a living.

Table of contents

  • Setting the context for healthcare jobs in India.

  • Healthcare Job Market: An Overview of The Current Healthcare Job Landscape

  • Factors Ensuring Stability

  • Advantages of Permanent Healthcare Jobs

  • Promising Career Paths: Identifying Potential Career Opportunities in Healthcare

  • The Anastomos Scope in Permanent Healthcare Jobs

Setting The Context for Healthcare Jobs in India

Enter the world of healthcare, where the only change you'll encounter is the enormous impact you have on countless lives, not your job.

In India, the healthcare industry has seen a paradigm shift in the past two decades. Permanent jobs in healthcare serve as the foundation of a strong medical infrastructure at a time when the industry is witnessing a transformative journey. From doctors to nurses, administrators to technicians, they all contribute to a brighter future. Permanence and perseverance are the real keys! Stay tuned as we give you an insight into the flipside of locum—permanent jobs in healthcare.

Healthcare Job Market: An Overview of The Current Healthcare Job Landscape

With 4.7 million workers as of 2021, the Indian healthcare industry is one of the country's top employers. According to IBEF, the government has allocated a considerable Rs. 89,155 crore (US$ 10.76 billion) to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) in the Union Budget 2023-24. This move is expected to boost the healthcare sector's growth by 6%, bringing its worth to $3.5 trillion by the end of 2023.

India supplies a pool of well-trained medical experts, which gives the country a competitive advantage. India is also less expensive than its Asian and Western counterparts. To be honest, there is not a shortage of job opportunities in the Indian healthcare landscape.

Like in other countries, Indian healthcare offers the following types of healthcare jobs:

  • Permanent

  • Temporary

  • Contractual

These jobs can be in the government or the private sector. These various healthcare employment roles are designed to accommodate a range of career goals and preferences, from work security to flexibility and social impact. Having covered temporary and contractual jobs in our detailed LOCUM section, ANASTOMOS will now concentrate on permanent career options in the healthcare sector.

Factors Ensuring Job Stability

The star feature of permanent jobs in healthcare is the idea of stability and security. Several factors can influence a permanent job in India's healthcare sector:

  • The Growing Demand in the Country

The World Bank estimates that between 2020 and 2025, the Indian healthcare sector will expand at a CAGR of 22.87%, underscoring the ongoing demand for healthcare workers. With a population of over 1.3 billion, India's healthcare industry cannot cease to grow.

  • Global Demands

Indian healthcare education is by far one of the most disciplined and standardized, with a rich history. Due to their outstanding training and education, Indian doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals can pursue possibilities abroad, which helps many of them maintain work security as a backup alternative.

  • Advancements in Technology

In addition to creating new job opportunities, the adoption of telemedicine, electronic health records, and AI-driven diagnostics assures that practitioners who adopt these technologies remain in demand, boosting professional security.

  • Government Initiatives

Ayushman Bharat, India's national health insurance program, and other initiatives are improving the nation's healthcare system and generating more long-term employment possibilities in both the public and private sectors.

  • Opportunities for Lifelong Learning

Healthcare is dynamic in its approach. Healthcare professionals who commit to a lifetime of learning and skill development remain highly relevant to the present healthcare scenario. The chances of securing top-notch positions and staying ahead of the curve help retain permanent job positions further.

Advantages of Permanent Healthcare Jobs

While there are many different work prospects in healthcare, permanent roles stand out as the key to a successful career.

  • Job Security

Job security is truly synonymous with stability in life. Hopping jobs, contractual schedules, late-night job hunting, and resume edits can be a bedrock of anxiety and pressure. While career options like locum jobs give you flexibility in time and work-life balance, permanent jobs ensure streamlined workflows and a sense of permanence.

  • Regular Income

Economic mobility is the true X-factor of permanent jobs in healthcare. Your ways of sustaining yourself and your loved ones include a variety of factors. It all starts with the income that we make, which allows you to feed your families, make regular housing payments, cover unexpected medical bills, and support our children's education and nourishment.

While Gen-Z is focused on skimming job options and career opportunities, for others, a permanent healthcare job is ideal.

  • Uninterrupted Patient Care

Part-time healthcare jobs, locum jobs in healthcare, and temporary contractual healthcare professionals keep shifting between facilities and departments. This may impact the patient-doctor relationship, thereby affecting treatment outcomes.

Permanent jobs in healthcare foster strong patient-provider relationships and maintain treatment continuity.

  • Better Retirement Planning

Permanent roles with long-term job stability and benefits provide healthcare professionals with a firm platform for retirement planning, including pension options

  • Less Work Anxiety

The security of a permanent position can reduce job-hunt anxiety, stress, and depression, allowing healthcare professionals to focus more on providing great care to patients.

Healthcare personnel may concentrate on their core duties without worrying about employment insecurity, allowing them to give better care to their patients.

  • Continued Education

Many healthcare organizations prioritize their employees' growth and development. Permanent healthcare positions often include possibilities for continuing education and professional growth.

Access to seminars, conferences, and courses, for example, can help healthcare practitioners stay up to date on the newest medical developments, technology, and treatment procedures.

The Anastomos Scope in Permanent Healthcare Jobs

Anastomos, founded by important figures in the Indian healthcare industry, knows the pulse of worldwide market trends. What could be more helpful than obtaining career advice and recruitment counseling from this professional panel?

The platform integrates critical parts of healthcare hiring, easing the acquisition of permanent jobs in healthcare, and blends cutting-edge technology and AI automation in the process. We connect you with the most effective ways to secure permanent healthcare jobs near me by providing personalized coaching and top-tier suggestions.