The Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Hiring Trends

  • How Covid-19 Upended Healthcare Hiring Norms: The New Demands and New Roles

  • Rapid Changes in Healthcare Job Requirements

  • Time Management

  • Ability to Act Independently and Manage Emergencies

  • Access to the Internet

  • The Need for Language Agility

  • PR Skills are a Must

  • Networking and Socializing Abilities

The Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Hiring

  • The Surge in Remote Healthcare Work

  • Obstacles Faced by Healthcare Recruiters

  • Permanent Shifts: Lasting Impacts on Healthcare Hiring Strategies

  • COVID-19's Indelible Mark on Healthcare Hiring

How Covid-19 Upended Healthcare Hiring Norms: The New Demands and New Roles

The new normal applies to every sector, and the hiring trends in healthcare are no different. Globalization had already underlined the need for a faster, more accurate, and more comprehensive talent hunt and healthcare recruitment trends—COVID-19 skyrocketed the need. With tailored treatments, omnichannel patient consultations, and independent medical procedures topping the pipeline, the impact of covid 19 on healthcare hiring trends is real. Stay with us as we update you about the ‘new normal’ of healthcare hiring after COVID-19.

Rapid Changes in Healthcare Job Requirements

Healthcare stakeholders and applicants both need an upgrade to comply with the changes in healthcare hiring trends since the pandemic. Here is a spotlight on some of the areas:

  • Time Management

The expanding population of India and a dwindling doctor-per-patient ratio demand more from each healthcare professional. Be it a specialist, general physician, dentist, nurse, emergency resident, or paramedic, you are now expected to juggle multiple tasks—patient care and records—at the same time. This calls for efficiency, precision, and a faster response time.

  • Ability to Act Independently and Manage Emergencies

This is perhaps the biggest challenge among recruiters. Talent acquisition in healthcare hiring after COVID-19 has to focus on healthcare professionals who are capable of making autonomous decisions, especially in emergencies. It is critical to be able to assess conditions quickly, make sound choices, and act decisively to provide prompt and efficient care.

  • Access to the Internet

It goes without saying, connecting the remote to the urban and the specialists to the needy is possible without traveling for long hours. Remote patient monitoring, virtual consultations, and exchange of the latest advancements in healthcare are only possible with the Internet.  

To get the benefits of telemedicine, online databases, and digital communication tools, you must be technologically proficient.

  • The Need for Language Agility

The multilingual talents of healthcare workers came in handy during COVID-19, as people couldn’t cross borders to reach their hometowns. Healthcare personnel must be able to communicate effectively with patients from a variety of linguistic backgrounds to ensure that diagnoses, treatments, and post-care instructions are understood.

  • PR Skills are a Must

Strong doctor-patient relationships involve outstanding communication, empathy, and active listening skills, and managing patient expectations demands excellent public relations skills.

  • Networking and Socializing Abilities

The ability to network and socialize facilitates effective teamwork, knowledge sharing, and remaining current with best practices. Strong professional connections within the healthcare community improve referrals, resource sharing, and overall care quality.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Hiring

Let’s present a brief review of current trends in healthcare talent recruiting.

  • The Surge in Remote Healthcare Work

Virtual has become mainstream today—-and yes, in healthcare too!

As part of its 'Digital India' project, the Indian government introduced eSanjeevani, a telemedicine service, in 2020. These services are part of the government's larger strategy to connect big hospitals with smaller healthcare clinics in outlying areas. As of 2021, the eSanjeevani portal had received roughly 3 million consultations. The current imbalance in doctor-to-patient ratios between urban and rural areas can be mitigated in part by accessible and successful telemedicine programs.

  • Obstacles Faced by Healthcare Recruiters

To understand the challenges faced by healthcare recruiters, it is best that we put a face-off between what is traditional and the suggested change. 

Have a look:

  • Interviews:

Traditional: In-person interviews are only available to local candidates.

Recommended Change: Expanding the global talent pool through virtual interviews and breaking down geographical restrictions.

  • Paper-Based Techniques:

Traditional: Manual paperwork causes processing delays.

Suggested Improvements: digital resumes, scanned documents, and digital signatures for quick and efficient handling of documents.

  • The Use of Technology is Limited:

Traditional: inadequate exposure to advanced HR technology.

Implement AI, analytics, and applicant tracking tools as suggested changes.

  • Emphasis on Soft Skills:

Traditional: Hard talents are prioritized over soft skills.

Suggested Improvement: Prioritize adaptability, PR, and collaboration skills.

  • Slow Decision-Making:

Multiple interview rounds are time-consuming.

Suggested Change: Using technology to make agile decisions for speedier evaluations

  • Permanent Shifts: Lasting Impacts on Healthcare Hiring Strategies

Apart from hiring challenges, COVID-19 has also highlighted overburdened healthcare workers leading to burnout, stress, anxiety, faster attrition, and high turnover rates. Together, these obstacles call for certain paradigm shifts in hiring trends in healthcare that are sustainable and affordable.

A quick overview of the changes expected from the recruiters' end:

  • Streamlined agile hiring

  • Remote onboarding

  • Focus on soft skills too

  • Accommodate flexible work schedules like LOCUM

  • Invest in training and continued education

  • Foster team spirit in the different healthcare departments

An overview of the changes expected from the medical applicants:

  • Upgrading talents and skills as per the latest medical developments

  • Building soft skills like PR, empathy, and networking

  • Getting accustomed to technology, the internet, and AI

  • Streamlining follow-ups

  • Ensuring work-life balance

  • Self advocacy

COVID-19's Indelible Mark on Healthcare Hiring

The impact of covid 19 on healthcare hiring trends is everlasting. There is a huge need for front-line clinicians and specialized staff. Especially in COVID-19 hotspots, recruiting departments are finding it difficult to meet the demand for specialists and healthcare workers who can work independently and are top-notch with their skills.

With this in mind and otherwise, Anastomos, as a one-stop, full-spectrum, end-to-end solution for careers in healthcare, connects you to the applicant/provider you need. Our personal guides filter the job landscape tailored to your needs. We are a one-of-a-kind platform for building careers in healthcare in India; we take pride in educating and training you to use healthcare hiring trends effectively. Sign up and create your profile to learn more. Write to us at [email protected] or call us at 9972541134.